
SANREMO 2022: The complete lineup and song titles

December 16, 2021



The Sanremo 2022 complete lineup was revealed tonight as upcoming artists Yuman, Tananai, and Matteo Romano took the podium of the Sanremo Giovani contest, earning their place in the final next to the 22 artists who were announced last week.

Meet the winners

Yuman is the winner of Sanremo Giovani 2021! He placed first with the song Mille notti (A Thousand Nights), and he will be competing in Sanremo 2022 with another song entitled Ora e qui (Here And Now). Yuman is 23 years old, his mother is Italian and his father is Cape Verdean. He traveled a lot around Europe finding inspiration for his music, until he finally got signed by Universal Music. 

Tananai, stage name of Alberto Tamusino, placed second during tonight’s final with his song Esagerata. He will also go on to compete in the national selection with a song entitled Sesso occasionale (Casual Sex).

Last but not least, Matteo Romano placed second runner-up with the song Testa e croce (Heads and Tails), and he will present his original song Virale (Viral) at the contest in February 2022.

Latest updates on Sanremo 2022

Mahmood, Emma, Ana Mena and other confirmed acts made an appearance tonight to reveal the titles of their songs. Rapper Achille Lauro also took the floor to announce that the Harlem Gospel Choir, one of the greatest choirs in the world featuring the finest voices of the New York contemporary gospel scene, will join him on stage in February.

Song titles revealed

Here’s a list of the titles that have been revealed tonight by the artists:

  • Emma, Ogni volta è così (It Always Goes Like This)
  • Massimo Ranieri, Lettera al di là del mare (Letter Overseas)
  • Sangiovanni, Farfalle (Butterflies)
  • Iva Zanicchi, Voglio amarti (I Want To Love You)
  • Achille Lauro, Domenica (Sunday)
  • Aka 7even, Perfetta così (You’re Perfect Like This)
  • Michele Bravi, Inverno dei fiori (Winter of Flowers)
  • Gianni Morandi, Apri tutte le porte (Open Every Door)
  • Ana Mena, Duecentomila ore (200,000 Hours)
  • Elisa, O forse sei tu (Or Maybe It’s You)
  • Rkomi, Insuperabile (Unparalleled)
  • Ditonellapiaga & Donatella Rettore, Chimica (Chemistry)
  • Mahmood & Blanco, Brividi (Chills)
  • Giusy Ferreri, Miele (Honey)
  • Giovanni Truppi, Tuo padre, mia madre, Lucia (Your Father, My Mother, Lucia)
  • Fabrizio Moro, Sei tu (It’s You)
  • Highsnob & Hu, Abbi cura di te (Take Care Of Yourself)
  • Irama, Ovunque Sarai (Wherever You Will Be)
  • La Rappresentante di Lista, Ciao ciao (Bye Bye)
  • Noemi, Ti amo non lo so dire (I Can’t Say I Love You)
  • Dargen D’Amico, Dove si balla (Where The Dancing Happens)
  • Le Vibrazioni, Tantissimo (Very Much)
  • Yuman, Ora e qui (Here and Now)
  • Tananai, Sesso occasionale (Casual sex
  • Matteo Romano, Virale (Viral)

Irama, Noemi, and pop duo La Rappresentante di Lista return to the stage of the Italian festival for the second year in a row.

Irama was unable to perform live last year after one of his team members tested positive to Covid-19 during the festival. He watched the show from his hotel room, as RAI aired a recording of his stage rehearsal to cover for his physical absence. Despite this setback, he still managed to finish 5th. Will he turn the tables on the competition this time around?

We now have the 25 artists who will compete in Sanremo next year. Among them is hiding the one who will try to defend Måneskin’s title at Eurovision 2022 in Turin. Who is your favourite entry? Let’s hear it in the comment section!

One Response

  1. La giuria era ubriaca a votare per una canzone mediocra come” Brividi ” che ha dato la vittoria a Mahood & Blanco, Vergogna. Altre canzoni lo meritavono di piu’.

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