The fourth and final quarter final of Eesti Laul 2022 has just come to an end, and we have a the last five qualifiers to add to the semi final line-up.
Estonia’s Eurovision participant from 2016, Jüri Pootsmann and Eurovision icon Getter Jaani, who represented Estonia in 2011 were the hosts of the show, live from ERR studios in Tallinn.
1. Pur Mudd, Shira “Golden Shores”
2. Elysa “Fire”
3. Minimal Wind feat. Elisabeth Tiffany “What To Make Of This”
4. Dramanda “Tule minu sisse”
5. Emily J. “Quicksilver”
6. Ott Lepland “Aovalguses”
7. Eleryn Tiit “Tunnete keel”
8. Jessica “My Mom”
9. Ariadne “Shouldn’t Be Friends”
10. Black Velvet “Sandra”
Two acts advanced to the semi final through the jury vote, with the remaining three qualifying via televote. Minimal Wind feat. Elisabeth TIffany & Púr Múdd feat. Shira were the jury qualifiers. Ott Lepland, ELYSA and Black Velvet were the televote qualifiers.
Viewers might know Ott Lepland, who participated in Eurovision 2012 and hosted last week’s show together with Laura. Shira also participated last week, where she failed to make it through with her song ‘Under Water’.
Watch our reaction to the Quarter final 3 qualifiers!
What are your thoughts on tonights show and qualifiers? Do you think the right acts went through to the semi final? Let us know what you think in the comments below!
phtoto credit: ERR/ Eesti Laul