
Which scenario will it be for Eurovision 2021? Decision to be made in 4 to 5 weeks.

January 4, 2021

eurovision song contest, logo


Back in September 2020, the EBU and the organisers for Eurovision 2021 revealed that they had put together four scenarios for the 2021 contest, ranging from scenario A which sees the contest taking place as normal, to scenario D, which would most likely be a contest similar to that of Junior Eurovision 2020.

Today, the Executive Producer of Eurovision 2021, Siestse Bakker, has sent out a tweet in which he says that a final decision on which scenario we can expect for this years contest, will be made in around 4 to 5 weeks time.

Scenario A would see the contest taking place as normal, with all the acts in Rotterdam, an audience at full capacity, press and other events such as Euroclub and the Eurovision Village.

In Scenario B, the contest would be held in Rotterdam, but there would be some limitations. Everyone would need to stay at least 1.5 metres away from each other. The number of people in the audience, in each country’s delegation and going as press would be limited.

Scenario C sees the contest live from Rotterdam, with a limited audience. All performances will be from Rotterdam, unless travel is restricted, in which case, performances will be recorded in their home countries, similar to Junior Eurovision 2020.

In Scenario D, all performances will be recorded from their home countries. There would be very little to no audience in Rotterdam. The shows will be hosted live from Rotterdam. It will be a similar set up to that of Junior Eurovision 2020.

Which scenario would you like to see for Eurovision 2021? Which scenario do you think is most realistic? Let us know in the comments below!

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