The Northern Italian city of Turin has become the first city in Italy to officially confirm that they will be bidding to host the Eurovision Song Contest 2022.
Two weeks ago, politicans from Turin submitted two motions to the city council with regards to the city hosting Eurovision 2022. The first motion was focused on tourism for Turin, and the potential positive repercussions of this in the future. The second motion foucused on the economic side of things, with mentions of the entertainment, catering and hotel sectors in Turin.
Just two days ago, there was a council session in which the city council passed both of these motions. They passed with 33 out of 33 council members voting yes. This makes Turin the first city to officially have a bid finalised to host Eurovision 2022.
Turin’s Mayor, Chiara Appendino, closed the council session by formally announcing Turnin’s candicacy for hosting Eurovision 2022. She also mentioned that Turin had previously been at the top of RAI’s wishlist for hosting Eurovision 2018, in the event that Francesco Gabbani would win Eurovision 2017.
At the current time, a total of eleven cities have expressed an interest in hosting Eurovision 2022: Bari, Bologna, Florence, Milan, Naples, Pesaro, San Remo, Reggio Emilia, Rimini, Rome and Verona. More information on host city for next years contest is expected to come out in the summertime.
Do you think that Eurovision 2022 will come to Turin? Or do you think another city could out bid them? Let us know what you think in the comments below!