As Eurovision week is here, and while we can’t wait to see all the acts, here is a tour with our special guide Nicoletta, of all the postcard locations... buon viaggio!
Semi final 2
The Rasmus’ postcard will be set in the gorgeous alpine lakes of Fusine, in Tarvisio, a commune in the northeastern part of the Friuli Venezia Giulia region.


Michael Ben David will have one of the famous Cinque Terre, Manarola, showing in his postcard. If his postcard will feel familiar, these enchanting fishing towns in Liguria have been an inspiration for the film Luca.
Konstrakta’s postcard will show Rocca Calascio, a castle situated at 1500m above sea level, on the mountains near L’Aquila in central Italy.


Nadir Rustamli’s postcard will be set in one of the beautiful Villas on Lake Como, Villa Monastero in Varenna. Built at the end of 1300 as a cloister, it has undergone many changes in the centuries and today is a museum with a botanical garden.
Circus Mircus’ postcard will be as colourful as their act, sporting the multicoloured Burano island, in the Venetian Lagoon.


Emma Muscat’s postcard will be magical for sure, being set in the ruins of the San Galgano Abbey, where a sword lays, set in a stone, since 1181…
San Marino
Achille Lauro won’t have to travel far for his postcard, featuring Rome, the city he grew up in. In particular, the segment will show some of the most famous monuments of the Italian capital: Castel Sant’Angelo, the Capitoline Hill (Campidoglio) and the Colosseum.


Sheldon Riley’s postcard will show the contemporary art museum MART in Rovereto, Trentino Alto Adige, northern Italy.
Even though its most famous side is the Swiss one, the Matterhorn, or Monte Cervino, it has an Italian side too, that will be featured in Andromache’s postcard. Fun fact: This very distinctive mountain that signals the border between Switzerland and Italy, has four sides that face the four cardinal directions.


Brooke’s postcard will show the characteristic Stones (sassi) of Matera, in the Basilicata region. This very peculiar part of the city centre, an UNESCO heritage site, has been inhabited since 7000 BC.
Stefan will have the Saint Michael’s Abbey near Avigliana as setting for his postcard. This church built on a rock served as an inspiration for the novel “The Name of the Rose” by Umberto Eco.


WRS’ postcard will bring the viewers south, to the fortress of Le Castella in the Capo Rizzuto Island, Calabria. Many legends surround this beautiful place: one of them saying that the island of Calypso from the Odyssey was located near Le Castella.
The breathtaking rocky white cliffs of Scala dei Turchi, near Agrigento, Sicily, will feature in Ochman’s postcard. This beautiful place gained even more popularity in Italy after the fortunate Inspector Montalbano serie was set in this area.


Vladana’s postcard will be set in the beautiful Conero natural park, near Ancona. It will also show the evocative Spiaggia del Frate, in the same area. This secluded beach with white rocks is named this way (“The friar’s beach”) after a monastery built on the rocks behind it.
Jéremié Makiese’s postcard will feature the Fontana Maggiore, a sculpted fountain in the center of Perugia. It was built around 1275 to celebrate the arrival of the water to the higher part of the city, thanks to a newbuilt aqueduct.


Cornelia Jakobs’ postcard will show the historical city of Rimini. This city dates back to the Romans, but was also a great Renaissance centre. Federico Fellini was born here, and the clip will show a museum dedicated to him, too.
Czech Republic
We Are Domi will show the Unesco heritage site of the Royal Palace of Caserta. This grand building in southern Italy was built as a residence for the Kings of Naples and the two Sicilies, and the construction lasted around 80 years!

Stay tuned as we take a look at all the postcard locations for the big 5 countries!
What is your favourite postcard location from Eurovision 2022 semi final 2? Let us know in the comments below!