
Who are the favourites to win the Benidorm Fest 2022 and represent Spain in Turin?

January 23, 2022


Benidorm Fest is getting closer! This coming week Spain is going to celebrate the Benidorm Fest 2022 to decide who their representative for the Eurovision Song Contest 2022, that is going to take place in Turin, will be.

The Benidorm Fest is divided in two semi-finals, with seven artists, each one, that are going to take place this 26 and 27 of January and in a Grand Final that will take place on the 29th. Participating in the first semi-final are Varry Brava, Azúcar Moreno, Blanca Paloma, Unique, Tanxugueiras and Chanel. And participating in the second semi-final are Xeinn, Marta Sango, Javiera Mena, Gonzalo Hermida, Rigoberta Bandini, Rayden and Sara Deop.

As RTVE has announced, only four contestants of each semi-final will be able to get into the Grand Final, but what is the voting process? The voting process is divided in two categories: the professional jury, which will represent the 50% of the total of votes, and the public votes that are divided into the televoting (25% of the total of votes) and a demoscopic public vote formed by 350 people (25% of the total of votes).

Who are the current favorites to win the Benidorm Fest 2022?

As the days pass, more people have decided their favourites to win the Benidorm Fest who also, the winner, will represent Spain in Turin. So far, there are three clear favourites as we are able to see in social media, the poll that a couple of days ago we published and the poll that published: Tanxugueiras, Rigoberta Bandini and Rayden.

# 1: Tanxugueiras – “Terra”

Tanxugueiras with their song Terra have been one of the favourites to win almost, since they released their song. Terra is sung in Galician (one of the Co official languages of Spain) but they also incorporate the rest of the Co official languages and Spanish on the lyrics with the sentence “There are no borders” which in the lyrics is sang as: “Non hai fronteiras” (Galician), “Ez dago mugarik” (Euskera), “No hi ha fronteres” (Catalan and Valencian) and “No hay fronteras” (Spanish).

# 2: Rigoberta Bandini – “Ay mama”

Rigoberta Bandini who is participating with the song “Ay mama” has become in the last couple of weeks another of the favourite contestants to win the Benidrom Fest. “Ay mama”, as she explained in her twitter, she wrote this song at age of 23 as a tribute to femininity, but for her this song transcends motherhood and speaks of the power that women have as women.

# 3: Rayden – “Calle de la Llorería”

Rayden with his song “Calle de la Llorería” is also one of the favourites to win the Benidorm Fest since he released the song. With “Calle de la Llorería” and as he commented to RTVE his song, it’s about “an X-ray of a society that sees vulnerability as something to cover up or make up”.

Following them, are Blanca Paloma, Varry Brava and Luna Ki:

Blanca Paloma – “Secreto de agua”

Blanca Paloma is participating with “Secreto de agua” as she explained to RTVE “It has been a very inspiring creative process that has resulted in a luminous song that heralds the release of the mystery, of a dark history” .

Varry Brava – “Raffaella”

Varry Brava is participating with “Raffaella” a song inspired in Raffaella Carrà that was written as a tribute to her, but the band wants to show what Raffaella is for them.

Luna Ki – “Voy a morir”

Luna Ki was participating with the song called “Voy a morir” as in RTVE is explained the song talks about the feelings of sadness, rupture, heartbreak or death and that “Voy a morir” gives you strength when you are feeling down. But due to Eurovision regulations about using autotune Luna Ki has decided to withdraw.

So far, as we have been able to see, the victory could be between Tanxugueiras and Rigoberta Bandini, but there’s still time for things to change if we consider that the staging, the live performance and the results of the semi-finals are a really important factor in the final results of the whole performances and the Grand Final.

If you want to know the position of the rest of the contestants in our poll you can check it out in the link below.

Let us know in our poll or in the comments below which artists are your favourites to win the Benidorm Fest 2022 and to represent Spain in the Eurovision Song Contest 2022!

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