With less than one month to go until Eurovision 2021, Senhit has treated us to one last Eurovision cover as part of her #FreakyTripToRotterdam series. This time, she’s hopping across the Mediterranean to Spain, where she has delivered an exquisite cover of “Bandido”, which Azúcar Moreno took to 5th place in Eurovision 1990.
Senhit has once again teamed up with Luca Tommassini to create the music video for “Bandido”, which was filmed at B&B Hotel Roma Trastevere in Rome, Italy.
Senhit’s version of “Bandido” gives us something that is worlds apart from the original version. Whilst traditional Spanish and Flamenco sounding elements do remain, Senhit has given the song a fresh, modern and edgy touch to it, with some rather striking visuals.
What do you think of Senhit’s version of “Bandido”? Which song has been your favourite cover of Senhit’s #FreakyTripToRotterdam? Let us know in the comments below!