Eurovision 2020 fan favourites Little Big have announced that they plan to submit songs for review to return in 2021. In an interview with Radio ENERGY, Ilya and Sonya were asked if they already wrote a song for Eurovision 2021:
“We have not,” laughs Ilya. “It’s a song contest, you have to prepare for it. A lot of people think that we automatically qualify for 2021. That’s not right, we need a song first. We are probably going to record it in the near future. We will submit several songs and if they like it, we’ll go (to Rotterdam). It’s a competition after all.”
The Russian national broadcaster VGTRK has not given any comments on the selection process yet, although it was said by Little Big themselves that it will be the same as in previous years.
Later on, the interviewer clarifies: “So you have a plan: submitting several songs, is that right?”
“We don’t have a plan, but there is a chance we’ll go. We will definitely submit songs.”
Little Big is a popular Russian band from Saint Petersburg that currently consists of four members: Ilya “Ilich” Prusikin, Sergey “Gokk” Makarov, Sonya Tayurskaya, and Anton “Boo” Lissov.
In March 2020 it was announced that Little Big would represent Russia at the Eurovision Song Contest that year with a song ‘UNO’, music video of which became the most viewed on the official Eurovision Youtube channel, getting ahead of Netta’s ‘Toy’. It was also revealed that Yuriy Muzychenko from The Hatters and Florida Chanturia from Leningrad, who featured in the music video, would be joining them on stage. Unfortunately, the contest was cancelled due to COVID-19.
What do you think of Little Big’s chances? Would you like to see them back? Let us know what you think!
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