
Eurovision 2022: Mahmood would like to perform as a guest

July 12, 2021


The 2019 Italian representative has expressed his interest in performing at Eurovision 2022 as a guest. During an interview with Formula TV, the Italian artist known for his song “Soldi”, mentioned the upcoming Eurovision 2022 organized by Italy.
Asked by the Spanish presenters if he was going to present the next edition of Eurovision, Mahmood replied no before adding: “I’d rather be a guest, when you sing I’m always in the front row.
The Italian broadcaster RAI continues its preparations for the next edition of Eurovision Song Contest and numerous rumous about potential presenters and the host city are non stop at the moment.

Mahmood represented Italy in the Eurovision Song Contest 2019 in Tel Aviv with his song “Soldi”. He finished 2nd with a total of 472 points. Since Eurovision, he has released a second studio album along with a numbe of singles, and has writen for many Italian artists.

Would you guys like to see Mahmood perform during the next Eurovision? Have you been following his flourishing career since 2019? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below!

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