
“This song represents myself” – Andy catches up with Eurovision 2021’s Ana Soklič

May 18, 2021


We caught up with the Slovenian representative, Ana Soklič, after her second rehearsal and she mentioned that the fact of hasn’t seen any video from the first one, doesn’t give her a clear clue of how it went. Still she was quite excited. 

When we asked her if she felt that this song was the right one for Eurovision, she said it was not easy to find another one at the same level as the one she had last year. She had to look for inspiration and turn her head around, all summer long. Overtime, things came naturally and it is with this song that she feels represented with.

Highlights of the song? For Ana they are the first and last choruses. She is proud of his choirs, coming from L.A., one of which was Michael Jackson’s back-vocal. Musical styles such as jazz, soul and gospel, are very evident in her song, if her musical references weren’t singers like Jennifer Hudson, Jill Scotte and Rachelle Ferrel.

As she said before, the Slovenian singer would give her 12 points to Black Mamba and is excited about the possibility of doing a duet with the Portuguese band. 

She ended up the interview by thanking all the support she had so far and and saying that people try to keep themselves healthy.

Can we get some Hallelujah from you on that side for Ana Soklic?

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